
Xavier Martin
June 12, 2023

Investing in operations, customers and employees is required to reap digital dividends and tangible business outcomes.


The hubbub of the bustling office has given way to the transient workforce that ebbs and flows depending on employees need to be in the office. Organisations are trying to find the right balance back to some form of “business as usual”, 因为他们应对当今的全球挑战,包括网络攻击, inflation, an energy crisis, sustainability, 顾客忠诚度和员工保留率. 虽然其中一些挑战可能比其他挑战更熟悉, company executives recognise the potential negative impact that ‘doing nothing’ could have on performance and operations.

帮助企业渡过这些未知的水域, 我们认为,他们需要把重点放在三个方面: 卓越运营,客户体验 and employee experience. We are confident that investing in communications and collaboration solutions in these areas will ultimately deliver the digital dividends and tangible business outcomes enterprises need to take their organisations into the new digital age communications era.

让我们花点时间考虑一下前面提到的三个优先事项. When we talk about operational excellence, what we’re talking about are the elements you need to really optimise your operational model, budgets and processes. 这创造了一个机会来考虑或重新考虑以下问题:

自动化和简化 to help IT leaders save money by reducing the cost of tasks that can be automated by leveraging robotic process automation (RPA) solutions, 人工智能(AI)和基于云的架构

Security and resiliency 应对日益严重的网络威胁. Businesses are being driven to make significant investments in solutions that protect their key assets, ensure resiliency and enable them to cope with everchanging regulatory laws

Budget optimisation, where a shift towards Operational Expenditure (OpEx) models can help with predictability, flexibility, scalability and control

Eco-sustainability, where technology has a role in helping in core areas such as energy reduction, 废物管理和循环经济

From a customer experience perspective, we’re talking about making a shift from traditional customer experience management to customer satisfaction management. 社交媒体永远地改变了我们. A floodgate of new conversational styles and channels has been unleashed and there is no going back.

随着组织走向索取 the customer experience to the next level, they need to think about how to manage the 360° customer view with more cohesive, timely, 相关且有意义的互动.

当我们越过“按1为…按2为…”, 语音机器人和语音识别将发挥越来越大的作用. 随着他们变得更聪明,他们的“责任”范围也在扩大, is creating an opportunity for organisations to rethink the balance between assisted and self-service.

对客户体验不可或缺的是 sentiment analysis. It’s next to impossible to respond to a customer issue if you don’t understand the nuance of the concern. Sentiment analysis is about interpreting what’s behind the natural language. 我们知道,情感是任何客户体验的基础, so technology that can provide insights can only take customer excellence to the next level.

It’s also important to note the customer experience is not just the responsibility of the people on the front line. The customer relationship needs to extend into the entire enterprise where it must be understood by all employees. Additionally, it goes beyond the traditional phone call to the ‘help’ line. 随着技术的发展,进入组织的途径也越来越多. Today’s omnichannel access means customers can connect based on their engagement preference. The challenge arises in an organisations ability to respond in a cohesive manner with disparate information. The good news is, technology, and in particular, AI, 客户关系管理领域的重新洗牌.

最后,但同样重要的是,我们不能忘记 employee experience. Anyone who’s been in the workforce over the last few years has experienced some serious challenges. 随着我们进入数字时代,通信时代, significant efforts are being made to create new and attractive digital workplaces, 使每个人都能在任何地方使用高效的应用程序工作, 以及更好地平衡工作与生活的灵活性.

This new direction requires organisations to reinvent the workplace and to reshape the workspace. Digital services and applications to help employees perform will be required. Fostering innovation and achievement will be key to attracting and retaining talent.

So now, you’re probably wondering about the ‘digital dividends and tangible business outcomes’ we started talking about at the beginning of all this. IT investment in enterprise communications and collaboration to improve operational excellence will reap the rewards of cost reduction, automation, 提高安全水平,并在生态可持续发展的斗争中留下印记. An enriched customer experience will pay itself back many times over in customer loyalty. 如果你真的相信员工是你最重要的资产, then creating a digital workplace that reflects the lifestyle choices of today’s workforce is an investment any organisation will be willing to make.

Check out our Digital Dividends web page to learn how we are helping organisations move toward the digital age communications era.

Xavier Martin

Xavier Martin


Xavier Martin is Vice President, Market Development at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise. In this role, he leads the Solution Marketing and Business Intelligence team for the Communications Business Division. 

Xavier has more than 25 years of management experience in the software solutions industry, 包括商业情报和客户服务. In 2013, 他出版了《火狐体育手机官网》一书, a book that explains how organizations can leverage technology and consumer-led transformation to enter a new era of enterprise communications, 预示着今天所谓的数字化转型.

Xavier has a Master’s degree in Telecom and Computer Sciences from Supinfo, Paris, France.

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