The upside of disruption: Building a Sustainable Future - Part 4 of 4


Sustainability and leadership through VUCA


T在这里 are a number of reasons for businesses to take sustainability seriously. 第一个, 最明显的是, is to minimise their environmental impact for the good of the planet and future generations. The second, and maybe less obvious reason, is their bottom line. 

In my earlier posts in this series, I defined the VUCA世界 we’ve been grappling with since 2020 and explained how implementing a business intelligence process and staying true to the ALE company values of speed and agility, 客户中心, and reliability were critical to survival. Adopting this approach in an environment of Volatility, 不确定性, Complexity and Ambiguity meant we honoured every customer order while improving communications and processes across the organisation.

In this fourth and final post of the series, I’ll speak about how and why we chose to focus on sustainability despite the VUCA. 


While ALE was in the throes of disruption, we were able to see the opportunity in having a more well defined Environmental, 社会和治理(ESG)框架.

与顾问合作, we undertook a full double materiality assessment to better understand our environmental standing throughout our entire value chain, 包括供应链. 

我们挖掘了最优秀和最聪明的人才, 组建了“游戏改变者”团队, and asked them to help us take our existing CSR programme and transform it into a new and more committed ESG strategy. 

我们现在正在定义kpi. And we are working to drive growth while being kinder to our planet. This is the right thing to do and it’s also smart business.

Because our customers and their organisations want greener technology solutions. 像许多其他商品一样, global events have impacted energy prices, making energy efficiency a major concern for enterprises around the world – ALE included. 

此外, companies are increasingly – and quite rightly – being judged by consumers on their actions in regards to the environment. 言语是不够的. We have understood this and have taken major steps during difficult times to ensure we act in accordance with our values to meet our customers’ needs.

以了解有关此主题的更多信息, watch my talk from the Deliver Americas event held this past September in Las Vegas.

DELIVER Americas Rasheed keynote on Leadership

DELIVER Americas Rasheed keynote on Sustainability



Global Revenue and Operations Officer

Rasheed is an expert international executive with global leadership experience in business transformation at both strategic and operational levels. He currently leads the Global Operations, Business Technology and Quality teams at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise. Rasheed’s success in transforming operations by delivering the highest level of efficiency and excellent customer satisfaction has been recognised by international awards. A clear vision and a results-oriented approach drive Rasheed as he implements key cross-functional initiatives within the company.

As sponsor of the ALE #GoGreen programme, Rasheed is committed to finding new technologies that contribute to protecting our natural capital, 建设可持续发展的城市, 限制全球气候变化. Rasheed has more than 20 years of experience in the telecommunications industry and held various management roles in project management, 流程和预算管理, R&D, supply chain, IT/IS and business operations.




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教育al institutions worldwide must modernise their networks to meet today’s new requirements.


Revitalise education with a modern campus network

一个现代, campus-wide network upgrade aligns capabilities with academic, research and business priorities today and tomorrow. 


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