
泽维尔- mongin博客作者- 150 x160
12월 21, 2022

Connected people, objects and processes, 让智慧城市提供高效, 安全、可持续的运营走向未来.


Today, Internet of Things (IoT) 设备和传感器几乎无处不在,无处不在. From the smartwatch on your wrist that monitors your health in real-time, 到你家里远程记录读数的智能电表, 我们日常生活中越来越多的部分正在被连接起来.

And while the pace of urban development can take decades and even centuries, 新技术创新正在推动城市发展. With the rapid urbanisation through the integration of new technologies such as IoT, 云和人工智能(AI), governments around the globe are on a mission to make cities connected, efficient, safe and sustainable.

The IoT game-changer

城市生活并非没有挑战. 在高峰时间被困在交通中, 垃圾桶似乎总是满的, or broken streetlights that aren’t fixed for weeks can feel like everyday life. In an effective, connected smart city many of these inconveniences and inefficiencies can be alleviated.

In today’s world, municipal government services are typically scheduled and routine. 垃圾收集每周在特定的一天进行, 维修人员抽查公共设备, such as streetlights, which means anything that might crop up in between inspections can get missed. However, 随着城市开始实施物联网技术, 服务的响应性和反应性越来越强.

在垃圾桶上安装物联网传感器, 连接到集中管理的平台, 当容器已满时,可以通知废物管理公司吗. 而不是依赖于垃圾箱收集在设定的时间, 需要时可派遣废物清除队.

Similarly, 如果带有物联网传感器的路灯出现问题, 可以立即通知维护团队. Periodic spot checks will become a thing of the past as teams will be notified as soon as something needs fixing, 节省时间,保持街道照明良好和安全.

Managing the masses

Busy public transport and congested roads can make city travel difficult. 随着城市地区开始在整个城市部署连接传感器, citizens can receive up-to-date information to help make informed travel decisions. Gridlock and overcrowding can be alleviated as people choose different routes or transportation options.

但不仅仅是交通被完全束缚. Public buildings such as museums, galleries and government premises all experience busy periods. 使用物联网传感器和资产跟踪系统, organisations can detect how many people are in one place at one time. This can help manage visitor numbers as well as letting the public know how busy a site is. 组织可以在商业建筑中使用相同的技术, 办公室和医疗保健地点, to track assets, reducing the time spent searching for items and the cost of replacing misplaced equipment.


除了提高运营效率之外, cities have a responsibility to meet global climate change targets through energy efficiency. Electric buses, subsidised public transport and congestion charges are commonplace in many urban areas to help drive behaviours and reduce vehicle emissions.

In addition to greener transport, cities must re-visit energy use in buildings. Installing IoT sensors in buildings lets organisations monitor the energy consumption of devices and control them remotely. 使用集中管理的平台, 数百个设备可以同时关闭, 降低能源消耗和成本. With AI organisations can analyse collected data to detect anomalies and patterns that contribute to energy consumption. Based on findings, new practices can then be introduced to reduce emissions.

Safety first

借助物联网技术和基于云的解决方案, 政府和应急服务部门可以监控道路, 实时显示街道和建筑物.

CCTV IoT devices that are 连接到集中管理的平台 can detect if there is an emergency, for example a car crash. In such an event, an alert is triggered to immediately notify emergency services. 这项技术节省了时间和生命.

IoT asset-tracking technology can also help increase safety by locating people and assets rapidly. 救援队还可以远程确保建筑物是空的, 避免他们陷入不必要的危险境地.

Reliable connectivity

智慧城市依靠全天候的连接来运作. 网络中断是不可能的. Downtime puts people at risk. 实时数据是城市所需的智能解决方案的关键. 确保可靠的连接, a city’s network should be centrally managed with high throughput and low latency. 随着技术和网络能力的不断发展, networks will also need to be flexible and scalable to support innovations well into the future.

Smart technology in action

Our recent work with the island of Hokkaido (北海道) is a real-world example of how transformative 智能技术和可靠的网络 can be to a community. Hokkaido is Japan’s second-largest island, situated in an earthquake-prone area. 以确保长者的安全, the Information and Communication Infrastructure Utilisation Promotion Council (ICIUPC) is responsible for communication between eleven towns and villages.

Japan faces the potential for significant disruptions from natural disasters that can significantly impact its citizens. Older residents in remote towns who don’t have access to technology or connectivity can be particularly vulnerable.

除了灾难情况, 日常交流对保持人们的健康至关重要, 这意味着为所有老年居民提供网络连接. A cloud-based phone solution installed in residents’ homes enables them to communicate using video and audio. 北海道的老年人社区也可以收到天气通知, 来自警方和交通运营商的警报, disaster warnings and updates, as well as have day-to-day consultations with healthcare professionals.

With this system, residents who have difficulties with public transport can also access on-demand transportation through a shuttle service. The solution protects isolated residents in instances of natural disasters, 它也有助于当地社区的振兴, 促进与家庭的社会融合, friends and other residents.

北海道市政府已经接受了数字技术. The robust network installed island-wide lets citizens enjoy reliable communications, protects their safety, and improves the general wellbeing of elderly citizens who now have a range of services at their fingertips.


随着技术的发展,智慧城市的能力也将随之发展. A connected smart city enables governments to create cities and towns with services that work together seamlessly, to provide efficient, 安全和可持续的操作. Ensuring cities have reliable, secure and scalable networks, means communities like Hokkaido can continue enjoying the benefits of the latest smart technology well into the future.

泽维尔- mongin博客作者- 150 x160

Xavier Mongin

Global Director for the hospitality sector, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

Xavier Mongin is the Global Director for the hospitality sector at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, based in Dubai. He has more than 20 years of experience in the hospitality industry. 在此之前,他负责管理东南欧, Africa, Turkey, 印度和中东/非洲地区. Xavier is an excellent communicator with extensive experience in complex negotiations across diverse cultures. 渴望分享他的经验和对创新的热情, he has co-founded a number of entrepreneurship ventures and mentored multiple start-ups.

泽维尔是法国商业委员会的成员, French Tech Dubai and a Hyperloop Transport Technologies contributor.

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